Webinar | The Emerging Frontiers of Future Hospital
On November 26th 2020, the International Webinar Series on Smart Healthcare Science and Technology with topic “The Emerging Frontiers of Future Hospital” was hosted by Asst. Prof Ting-Yuan Tu, PhD from the Department of Biomedical Engineering of National Cheng Kung University. Especially, two professors from National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) were invited to give the live speech, one was Prof. Nai-Ying Ko, PhD, the Distinguished Professor and director of department of Nursing, College NCKU. The other one was Dr. Chih-Chia Hsieh, MD, the Assistant Professor from Department of Emergency Medicine of NCKU Hospital. They shared the applications of AI in smart epidemic prevention and smart wards. Moreover, we also invited the internationally renowned research scholar of vascular mechanics, Prof. Masaaki Sato, Ph.D. from the School of Engineering Education, Tohoku University in Japan to give an online lecture about pressurization method as healthcare.

Pic 1 : Prof. Ko shared the development of HEARThermo during the epidemic prevention period.

Pic 2 : Dr. Hsieh introduced how ICT technology modify the operations in emergency room.
Prof. Nai-Ying Ko and her research team has developed the application of HEARThermo during the epidemic prevention period. It has become a useful wearable device for continuous monitoring of body surface temperature and heart rate as indicators for predicting infection and infectious disease symptoms. Dr. Chih-Chia Hsieh shared how artificial intelligence and information technology modify the operations in emergency room from his daily workflow experience in the emergency room. Prof. Masaaki Sato, PhD, from Tohoku University introduced the effects of hydrostatic pressure on functions of endothelial cells during pressure treatment.

Pic 3 : Prof. Masaaki Sato shared the effects of hydrostatic pressure during pressure treatment.
In addition, to help the participants have better immersive and interdisciplinary learning, we arranged physical exchange activities including biomedical engineering laboratory visits, equipment display workshops, and international scholar exchange activities. Particularly, Prof. Masaaki Sato (Ph.D.) from the School of Engineering Education, Tohoku University in Japan was invited to come to Taiwan for academic exchange. Prof. Sato gave more than three physical and online lectures, sharing his academic perspectives to the professors and students of Taiwan and the New Southbound nations.