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Highlights - 2022



Associate Prof.Yung-Chung Chen from Taiwan, Dr.Peerapong Santiwong and Dr. Pranai Nakaparksin from Mahidol University (Thailand) shared their research and experiences on the topic of “NEW HORIZON ON DIGITAL DENTISTRY--Dental Implant and the Application of Digital Dentistry.”


Webinar | Integrated Biomedical Engineering

2022 NCKU Thailand Webinar on “Integrated Biomedical Engineering” Hosted by: Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Thailand and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan


Webinar | 2023 11/24 Nanotechnology and MEMs for Biomedical Application

Printed Graphene Electrochemical Sensors for Bio/Chemical Sensing Application by Dr. Andisorn Tuantranont, the Vice President of National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand


Webinar | Medical Device Translation

Prof. Albert Shih and Assoc. Prof. I-Chun Du from Taiwan, Prof. Rungsun Rerknimitr form Thailand shared their research and experiences on the topic of“Medical Device Translation.”


International Academic Visit | NCKU delegation visited Universities in Thailand

From July 20 to 27, representatives visit Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University, KMUTT, KMITL, Kasetsart University, Chiang Mai University for promoting student enrollment and exchange the latest research to seek more opportunities for cooperation. Also, by visiting the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) with Delta Electronics Thailand and Mahidol University, and by discussing with NCKU Alumni Association in Thailand and Bang Trading Group, NCKU is looking for possibilities to cooperate with the local enterprises. Lastly, the Strategy meeting of NCKU Oversea Joint Research Center in Thailand was held.


Webinar | How Biomechanics applies to Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

Prof. Andi Isra Mahyuddin from Indonesia, Dr. Boonrat Lohwongwatana from Thailand, and Associate Professor Yih-Kuen Jan from the US gave speeches and shared their experiences on the topic of“How Biomechanics applies to Orthopedics and Rehabilitation.”


Webinar | The Interaction among IoT, AI and Cloud Computing in Medical Technology

Assist. Prof. Dr. Yu-Sheng Lin from Taiwan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Theerawit Wilaiprasitporn from Thailand and Dr. Radit Smunyahirun from Singapore gave speeches and shared their experiences on the topic of“The Interaction among IoT, AI and Cloud Computing in Medical Technology.”


International Workshop│"Workshop on MedTech Innovation.”

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and Chulalongkorn University (CU) organized a one-day onsite-merge-online open workshop named "Workshop on MedTech Innovation.”


2022 Experience Sharing from New Southbound International Students

The Medical Device Innovation Center and the Office of International Affairs of National Cheng Kung University held an online event, "Experience Sharing from New Southbound International Students - Ep.2 Before and After Arriving in Taiwan.


Talent Mobility | Online Experience Sharing from New Southbound International Students

Started with a brief introduction from the international student affairs division on how to apply for NCKU and NCKU scholarship opportunities. Then, the current and former NCKU international students will share their personal experiences about living and studying at NCKU.


Webinar | Oral cancer: diagnosis and treatment post Covid19

During this webinar, we have invited speakers from Thailand, Taiwan and Malaysia to share about the research work in the area of diagnosis or treatment of oral cancer.