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Academic visit │KMITL delegation revisits NCKU to deepen Taiwan-Thailand academia-industry collaborations on talent

Fig #1.  KMITL delegation at NCKU's Department of Biomedical Engineering

Fig #1.  KMITL delegation at NCKU's Department of Biomedical Engineering

On February 21, 2024, a delegation of distinguished faculty and students from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) embarked on a visit to National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) to further enhance the academic collaboration between the two institutions. The delegation was led by Prof. Dr. Pitcha Prasitmeeboon, Vice President for International Affairs at KMITL, and Dr. Pitchayanin Moonmuang. They were warmly welcomed by NCKU's Office of International Affairs, Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), Department of Electrical Engineering (EE),  Medical Device Innovation Center (MDIC), and Taiwan-Thailand Science and Technology Center (TTSTC).


This visit was a follow-up to the visit made by a 62-member KMITL delegation to NCKU's Department of Biomedical Engineering in May 2023. After that visit, KMITL and NCKU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on student exchange, 3+2 program, and dual master's degrees in biomedical engineering under the leadership of Chair Professor Dr. Fong-Chin Su, the Executive Director of TTSTC.


The delegation included several KMITL students of the Electrical Engineering – Mechatronics Program (International Program) at the School of Engineering who have received scholarships from Delta Electronics Thailand and will pursue their master's program in Taiwan. These students actively participated in the visit and expressed their keen interest in NCKU's Department of BME and EE, and MDIC.


The delegation visited MDIC and the Digital Health and Biorobotics Lab (DHB Lab) of Associate Professor Yi-Chun Du in the Tzu-Chang Campus in the February 21 morning. The delegation showed great interest in 3D printing equipment and its various applications, including the useful translation it brought at MDIC. They also expressed interest in wearable devices that assist clinicians in conducting comprehensive and precise examinations, as well as the robotic arm programming at the DHB Lab.

Fig #2. KMITL delegation at MDIC, introduced by Dr. Chen-Hsun WengFig #2. KMITL delegation at MDIC, introduced by Dr. Chen-Hsun Weng

Fig #3. KMITL delegation experiencing Mixed Reality Technology at DHB Lab
Fig #3. KMITL delegation experiencing Mixed Reality Technology at DHB Lab

At noon, the delegation met BME faculty for understanding of BME scientific research. They savored the distinct taste of Tainan Street food for lunch as a cultural experience. Professor Wen-Tai Chiu, Chair of the Department of BME, introduced NCKU and the department's features, the history and current cooperation between NCKU and KMITL. The faculty of the Department of BME also enthusiastically participated and briefly introduced their research directions. Prof. Dr. Pitcha Prasitmeeboon also introduced KMITL to the group.

Fig #4.  KMITL delegation having lunch at the meeting room of NCKU's Department of Biomedical Engineering

Fig #4.  KMITL delegation having lunch at the meeting room of NCKU's Department of Biomedical Engineering

In the afternoon, Professor Chia-Ching Wu led the delegation on a tour of the campus, visiting the College of Medicine, Banyan Park, and the College of Planning and Design. Prof. Chen, Chien-Hsu, Dean of the College of Planning and Design, personally showed Prof. Dr. Pitcha Prasitmeeboon the college's features and research achievements. Prof. Dr. Pitcha Prasitmeeboon was particularly interested in the design program that assists in analyzing the center pressure of the elderly during level walking and expressed the hope that there will be opportunities to deepen cooperation with NCKU's College of Planning and Design in the future. This endeavor will start with a student exchange at the department level.

Fig #5.  KMITL delegation in front of the Hippocratic Oath at the Faculty of Medicine, NCKU with Professor Chia-Ching Wu

Fig #5.  KMITL delegation in front of the Hippocratic Oath at the Faculty of Medicine, NCKU with Professor Chia-Ching Wu

Fig #6.  KMITL delegation at the iconic Banyan Park in NCKU campus

Fig #6.  KMITL delegation at the iconic Banyan Park in NCKU campus

Fig #7.  Prof. Dr. Pitcha Prasitmeeboon, Vice President for International Affairs at KMITL and Prof. Chen, Chien-Hsu, Dean of the College of Planning and Design
Fig #7.  Prof. Dr. Pitcha Prasitmeeboon, Vice President for International Affairs at KMITL and Prof. Chen, Chien-Hsu, Dean of the College of Planning and Design
The revisit by the KMITL delegation to NCKU is a tangible manifestation of the deepening cooperation between two universities. It is believed that, through the collaborative efforts of both sides, the cooperation between NCKU and KMITL will yield even more fruitful outcome.